White Paper

Anjuna Delivers a 77:1 Advantage Against the MITRE ATT&CK MATRIX

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Attacks are inevitable and can be devastating to a company's reputation and bottom line. Moving to the cloud can be a monumental leap for companies, yet it comes at the cost of security and increased attack surface.

The MITRE ATT&CK Matrix is a comprehensive list of the various attack vectors that enterprises of any size may encounter.

Confidential Computing software from Anjuna Security offers an unprecedented 77:1 advantage against the attacks in the MITRE matrix.

Read this white paper to learn how to:

  • Eliminate the different types of attacks listed in the MITRE matrix
  • Leverage Confidential Computing with Anjuna to decrease your attack surface
  • Enable secure enclaves as the standard in protecting sensitive workloads
  • Choose a strong partner like Anjuna to provide the right resources and support


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Attacks are inevitable and can be devastating to a company's reputation and bottom line. Moving to the cloud can be a monumental leap for companies, yet it comes at the cost of security and increased attack surface.

The MITRE ATT&CK Matrix is a comprehensive list of the various attack vectors that enterprises of any size may encounter.

Confidential Computing software from Anjuna Security offers an unprecedented 77:1 advantage against the attacks in the MITRE matrix.

Read this white paper to learn how to:

  • Eliminate the different types of attacks listed in the MITRE matrix
  • Leverage Confidential Computing with Anjuna to decrease your attack surface
  • Enable secure enclaves as the standard in protecting sensitive workloads
  • Choose a strong partner like Anjuna to provide the right resources and support
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